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This is a pic from the site Holly Randall, a photographer that specialises in erotic photography, softcore porn for the laymen.

If you enjoy, for whatever reason, just to look at gorgeous naked women as opposed to full blown hardcore porn, on occasion, then this is a site you should consider.

I’m sitting here trying to think for what reasons beyond the beauty of it one might want access to a site like this and all practical purposes escape me other than some kind of foreplay.

I’m a simple man, that is the defence I am going to offer here. I get that there is likely some form of art here, some case to be made for sophistication but from where I’m sitting those are just made up stories to try and shy away from the fact that you simple like to look at naked ladies, exactly like the rest of us, but you’re trying to act like your carnal needs are more complicated. That you’re better than to stoop to porn

I may be wrong.

Whatever you need to tell yourself or whatever your reason, if you like it you might like to use this discount for 74% off Holly Randall.

Blogged Under: Porn Vids & Pics